Tag: learning



Homeschool discovery

Yesterday, I asked an adult client about his first experience of the Irlen Method: "One day, while reading to my mother during a storm, the wind blew some cellophane from the art table over my book. I really liked how the page looked all red, with the black letters, so I ... Read More
March 30, 2016Beatrice Burg


I’m often asked by clients, “So if my child has Irlen Syndrome, does that mean they are dyslexic?” These two conditions often overlap, but they can also stand alone and a person with dyslexia may not have Irlen Syndrome and vice versa. This is why it is so important for me to ... Read More
March 26, 2015Beatrice Burg


My grandson wrote a story last week  – he’s in year 4 this year – about his favourite topic, dinosaurs, of course! It had a very imaginative plot and showed the beginnings of correct grammar and structure. I was quite proud of his achievement, as all grandmas would be. However, I was ... Read More
February 11, 2015Beatrice Burg


We must be way behind US in these episodes, so here is the one on Irlen Syndrome from last week’s “The Doctors” TV. (Past clients will spot “pumpkin face” in the section assessing for the lenses :-) ) Please share with anyone who is struggling with reading / writing / headaches… > DOCTORS TV: ... Read More
January 26, 2015Beatrice Burg



Tougher Teacher Training?

In my office – which reaches from Jurien Bay in the Midwest of WA, to Derby in the Kimberley, I deal with students (and adults!) every day, who have struggled within the school environment. Usually with learning to read, spelling, comprehension, writing and maths. Now, when you are having difficulty in ... Read More
December 10, 2014Beatrice Burg



Let them grow tall

Walked out on the balcony of the motel and was so amazed at the stunning trees, right in the middle of our beautiful city – Perth! The Convention Centre is in our laps on one side of us and on the other is this tree-lined street! And not the small, stunted “trimmed to ... Read More
December 9, 2014Beatrice Burg


Found this post of a Dyslexia awareness evening (Michigan) as part of Dyslexia Awareness month (USA) to discuss symptoms and teaching methods that help kids learn. Unfortunately no mention of the difference changing the colour of the paper can make, for the child who is struggling with learning. I would love to ... Read More
October 6, 2014Beatrice Burg